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If the workforce in your employ numbers 250 or over, you’re required by law to calculate the difference in remuneration between male and female employees (gender pay gap).

This legislation came into effect on April 6th this year, but we’re reminding you now because April 4th 2018 is the deadline by which you must report the difference in mean and median pay and bonuses between the men and women you employ. You must also provide information about the proportion of men and women receiving a bonus payment, and the proportions of men and women in each quartile of their pay distribution. The latest results must be published on your website on the same date every year, accompanied by a signed statement confirming their accuracy – both of which much remain on the site for the following three years.

If you’re concerned about the data required to publish the findings… don’t. We can compile the data you need to provide you with the reports you need ready for the April deadline. Please ask for details including costs for this service.

Incidentally, he April 4th deadline applies to businesses and charities. The date for public sector organisations is March 30th.

If you employ fewer than 250 people, you can opt to publish your gender pay gap voluntarily … it’s up to you.